• Member Since: 2022-11-13 22:31:54
  • Server Owner: cobaltd
  • Language: English
  • Platform: L2JAVA
  • Chronicle: Interlude
  • Status:
  • Server rates:
    EXP: x45 SP: x45 Drop: x1 Adena: x1 Spoil: x5 Safe Enchant: x6 Max Enchant: x25
  • Opening Date & Time: 2024/06/10 13:00 ( GMT+0 )
Players Rating
Vote for Us 9
  • Server Stability:
    good (76)
    meh (9)
    bad (5)
  • GM Behavior:
    good (77)
    meh (9)
    bad (4)
  • GM Activity:
    good (77)
    meh (9)
    bad (4)
  • Donation Options:
    good (76)
    meh (8)
    bad (6)
  • Farming Style:
    good (77)
    meh (8)
    bad (5)
  • Gameplay:
    good (77)
    meh (8)
    bad (5)
  • DDOS / BOT Protection:
    good (76)
    meh (8)
    bad (6)
No Voter names tracked yet
Server Description
XP/SP/Adena: x45

Enchant Rates
- Safe Enchant: +4
- Max Enchant Weapon: +25
- Max Enchant Armors And Jewels: +25
- Normal Enchant: 61%
- Blessed Enchant: 75% ate +16
- Golden Enchant: 50% +21 to decrease +25
- Crystal Enchant: 85% +17 to decrease +22
- Golden Enchant, lose 10% every enchant
- 35% ate +23 & 25

Server Features
- Auto loot
- Max Slot Buffes 26+4
- Buffes Time 4h
- Client Allowed 2 HWID/IP
- SubClass Allowed 10
- Spawn Protection 15 seconds
Olympiads Features
- Olympiad Period - 7 Days
- Olympiads Max Enchant +6
- Olympiads Items Grade - A / To Register.
- Olympiad Start - 18:00 ends 00:00 (UTC - 0)
- %olym%
Farm & Pvp Areas
-Farm Coins Solo Zone Drops - Ketra
- LS Solo Farm - Primeval Plain's
- PartyFarm - Underground Coliseum
Hero Boss Event
- Time:13:25 | 18:25
- Fight: (5-Minute's,Reward Hero 24'h)
Siege & Castles Features
- Siege 7/7 Days
- Castle Rune Monday 15pm, Duration 1h
- Castle Giran Sunday 14pm, Duration 1h
- Castle Goddard Saturday 16pm, Duration 1h
- Castle Aden Monday 13pm, Duration 1h
- Castle Gludio Wednesday 12pm, Duration 1h
- Castle Dion Friday 17pm, Duration 1h
- Castle Oren Saturday 16pm, Duration 1h
- Castle Innadril Tuesday 12pm, Duration 1h
- Castle Schuttgart Thursday 18pm, Duration 1h
- .menu|.raidinfo|.setnotice
- .info|.report|.password
- .skin|.autofarm|.mission
- .castlemanager|.colormanager
- .status, |.skills |.inventory